The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2025)

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The Tribunei

San Luis Obispo, California

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"TT" sm Luis Otoiipo County (Calif) Totogram-Trlbunt Thursday May 11 1977 a-i l- Sm Lull OMipo County (CalH) Toteeram-TrlbuHt Thursday May 1T77 mmm r- £sft OQ 3rd for Mmtmem Friday Saturday and Sunday May 13 1415 1M 'J IT rl -ni I HARDWARES (BUILDING' NURSERYS LEVITON FULL RANGE DIMMER mms mATERIALf LASC0L1TE FIBREGLASS PATIO COVER 3 colors white and clear 26" wide Solarblock 695 895 1095 2x4-1 8" TEMPERED PEGB0ARD ea Regular 129 Hang up your tools 7 PREFINISHED PANELING 4x8 Sheets only Warm Walnut Bronze Chestnut PARTICLE BOARD SHELVES Some edgebanded Study and strong 79 169 249 4x5-1 8" TEMPERED MASONITE ea 249 Just received Scarce but we have it 3x7-1 8" MAHOGANY DOOR SKINS ea 249 Regular 295 Item with many uses SPLIT RAIL FENCING 4x5 Line Posts -j 4x5 Corner Posts 305 4x5 End Posts jjvv 2x2-8' Split Rails ea 2295 CHAIN LINK FENCE Fabric only 48" 85 100 72---125 Posts Tie Wire Tension Bars Fabric Top rail 11 gauge STEEL TEE POSTS 101 ea 194 Easy to drive Ready for barbed wire 54x6-16' CORRAL BOARDS ea 349 Rough finish Keep your horse off the street ALL CEDAR FENCING 2x4s AND BOARDS REDUCED IN PRICE NOW IS FENCING TIME 1x8-6' Redwood rough fence boards ea 175 1x8-5' Redwood rough fence boards ea 159 1x12-6' Redwood rough fence boards ea 289 4x4-6' Redwood surfaced posts ea 250 4x4-7' Redwood surfaced posts ea 300 4x4-8' Redwood surfaced posts ea 350 2x4-8' Economy Douglas Fir ea 69 Push onoff Reg 500 LITECON DIMMER SOCKET Reg 795 value Full range Uses regular light bulbs No more costly 3-way bulbs SAVE ENERGY WITH FLUORESCENT LIGHTING LITHONIA 2-TUBE 4' FIXTURE 2395 Reg 3200 value Wrap-around diffuser glass 6' AND 8' FLUORESCENT FIXTURES 1895 Single and double tubes Reg 2399 to 2899 value 18" FLUORESCENT LIGHT 695 Under the cabinet reg 898 Diffuser glass cover Plug-in-cord convenience outlet ROMEX WIRE 122 NM with Ground 2'50' 2850 142 NM with Ground 250' 1 999 122 nm 14 par ft 142 nm 10 par ft DUPLEX CONVENIENCE OUTLETS only 49 Reg 89 value ivory only SINGLE POLE SWITCHES omy Reg 79 value Ivory only "SOFT-TOUCH" DECORA OUTLETS AND SWITCHES 15 OFF Available in white ivory and brown Available in luminated switches Replaces any standard switch outlet SURE GARD GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER 3540 Reg 4800 Required by law in new construction Will work fine in older homes Provides protection against electric shock iniury Ask about this outlet and its "Feed-thru" feature Minimizes GF I nuisance tripping iN TTTT'IZ-fT OLYMPIC REDWOOD STAIN 3 OFF per gallon AM PRO FLAT WALL PAINT sai 427 White only Reg 639 ALL AMERITONE PAINT REDUCED 20 See coupon below PAINT TRAY SET 1-49 Includes roller frame and cover Reg 229 ZIP STRIP PAINT REMOVER 1 -65 ot 269 Reg 241 and 39 9 VARATHANE Reg 399 and 629 319 499 FIR BARK Reg 280 STEER MANURE Reg 110 BLUE TAG POTTING SOIL sale 333 2-cu bag Reg 389 ONE-HALF BRANDY OAK BARRELS sale 795 Reg 825 1 6" BLACK HEX PLANTERS 650 Reg 767 14" BLACK HEX PLANTERS sale 450 Reg 595 BEDDING PLANTS Sale each 65 Reg 79 BOSTON FERNS sale 295 6" pots Reg 389 TERRARIUM PLANTS sale each 2 pots Reg 59 TAM JUNIPERS 179 Sale Reg 219 Gallon cans r-i i i i i i i WITH THIS COUPON I COUPON I I Dap Rely-on Caulk Cartridge 39 WITH THIS COUPON I COUPON I I Silicona Bathtub Caulk COUPON PAINT THINNER Res 67 IN YOUR OWN CONTAINER WITH THIS COUPON COUPON SPRAY ENAMEL 13-OZ can WITH THIS COUPON COUPON Plastic Drop Cloth Each 27 3-oz Reg 279 1 79 WITH THIS COUPON coupon WITH THIS COUPON COUPON DAP KWIK-SEAL TUB CAULK Each 99 Applicator The new way to paint 090 Only WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON SPECIAL CLOSEOUT 3" 6" ORANGEBURG PIPE AND FITTINGS 40 DISCOUNT CLOSE OUT CLOSE OUT PLUMBINGl HI4TN0 Pit in a new Delex and never pnt in a washer again! NO 2502 With CRYSTAL HANDL 1595 No 2100 1795 If No With Pop Up Assembly CRYSTAL HANDLES 2495 The new Delex faucet by Delta does away with the biggest single trouble maker the faucet washer The revolutionary Delex rotating cylinder valve works without washers It shears water off Instead of squeezing it off And that means no more washers to crush tear or replace So say goodbye to old washer headaches BATHROOM VANITIES Bedford brand In and With or without drawers VANITY COLORS: WhiteGold Antique White Antique Avocado and Walnut VANITY TOPS: Antique White WhiteWhite WhiteGold Harvest Gold Blue and Avocado SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! VANITY (White top cabinet) Regular price 4250 On special for sale days 3 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS Ask us about how to plan lay out and install underground sprinklers with "RAIN BIRD" "RAIN JET" or "CHAMPION" equipment a AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER VALVES Solid brass ea TIMER CLOCKS FOR VALVES 6-STATION ANTI-SIPHON VALVES FOR SPRINKLING SYSTEMS 5-year warranty Regularly 650 PVC PLASTIC PIPE Class 200 Sched 40 W'x21' 10 ft 16 ft "x21' 12 ft 22 ft GALVANIZED PIPE 31 ft "x21' 41 ft MAMWMWMWMnMMMnAWMMM WHIRLAWAY FLUIDMASTER BALLC0CK Sale MMMNMM POLY-PRO LAUNDRY TUBS ea 22-gallon size Reg 2995 HOT WATER HEATER ENCLOSURES ea Heavy galvanized steel For 20 30 40 gal size New! Water Dams for Flush Box Save water and money with this new water conservation program Ask for details 379 RAIN GUTTER ALL FITTINGS IN STOCK 6' 10 foot Z-BRICK SPECIAL Used and Gold per box 499 per box 599 aooo Country Rustic For wall uses aooo CEDAR STRIPS per box 1499 Covers 33Vb sq ft 4" wide Wall something different! FORMICA (In stock) per sq foot Good oatterns Good patterns 2x4 4x4 4x6 Sizes BLACK DECKER WORKMATE 7495 ea Ideal gift for a handyman All-purpose work center and vise Regularly 8995 TREATED TREE ROPE (4-ply) sale 475 Perfect for outdoor macrame hangings 480-ft roll Reg 555 JUTE TWINE Sale Reg 99 Test break 85 lbs 220' roll MACRAME CORD saieroiil79 200-ft roll 30 thread Reg 225 Many colors available DUCTAPE 60-yd roll reg 609 Sale 398 10-yd roll reg $149 Sale 99 DOUBLE-FACED MIRROR TAPE reg 119 sale 79 5 ea 1495 KILLER WATT Soft fluorescent light in an incandescent lamp Fits any standard incandescent socket A real energy saver As advertised on TV MAKE YOUR OWN LAMP With crystal lamp parts and replacement iao ace glass and chimneys Now I (IO UlT AUTOMATIC PHOTOCELL SOCKET 599 Reg 715 Rotating photoelectric eye Fits any standard base socket SAVE LIGHT BULBS AND ENERGY WITH A DIMMER AND CREATE EFFECTIVE "MOOD" LIGHTING AS WELL LITECON FULL RANGE DIMMER Click onoff Reg 595 While supply lasts 260 ilWfjJljjfAJM DO-IT-YOURSELF CONCRETE PROJECTS MADE EASY WITH Ucatt CONCRETE 8Sr READY-MIXED AVAILABLE AT SAN LUIS OBISPO STORE ONLY G5P BBft TABLE wBenches reg 6840 Sale 409P ROUND TABLE wBenches reg 10595 Sale 8985 4I2P SQUARE TABLE wBenches reg 10250 Sale 8785 G52 BBQ TABLE wBenches reg 7735 Sale 6595 852 BBQ TABLE wBenches reg 9535 Sale 8155 861 8' CLEAR BBQ TABLE wBenches regUl35 Sa11155 861 CLEAR BBQ TABLE wBenches reg 9535 Sale 8155 ROUND COFFEE TABLES 15 OFF With or without wheels A VARIETY OF CLEAR ROUND AND SQUARE TABLES 15 OFF 400P CHAISE (Pad extra) reg 4230 Sale 3555 400PA CHAISE WITH ARMS (Pad extra) i reg 4855 Sale 4185 483P CHAIR WITH ARMS (Padextrn) ree 3310 Sale 2995 403PA CHAIR WITH ADL ARMS ipadextrai s3M5 404P LOVE SEAT (Pad extra) reg 4689 Sale 3985 405P TETE-A-TETE WITH UMBRELLA STAMLm 7735 sG555 ALL-REDWOOD DOG HOUSE 5035 sai 4255 (Unassembled) ALL-REDWOOD DOG HOUSE ro 7735 seG555 reg 7735 Sale I (Unassembled) ALL ALUMINUM FURHITORE 15 OFF ALL UMBRELLAS 15 OFF CHAISE PADS (Slab foam fire resistant) reg 1995 Sale 1655 CHAIR PADS SHADES 2 styles available In Yellow Fruitwood and white lDo Ull 3468810' widths BAMBOO SHADES 3 styles available 15 OFF 3 4 6 8 10 8 12' widths Not all sales Items are available in both locations However either store will be happy to order anything they don't have from the store that stocks that item you desire CHARBROILj BAR-B-QUE A Classic in Cast Iron Steel and Oak for Superb Outdoor Cooking CB-940A cooking area Rouble oak work tables I9495 Each CB-450A cooking area Just right for most families Each 7440 El Cannno Real ATASCADERO 466-0270 NOW! Look at all thoso advantages! Open 7 Days A Week Free Trailers Save Tlmfc and Money For Patios Walkways Curbings Fence Posts etc Convenient U-Cart Concrete K4 Install Without Solder length Come in for more information and a price shoofl We have a special mix that will retard the set-up time up to 2 hours This gives ample hauling time for up to 40 miles Locally Owned A Operated STORE HOURS: WEEKDAYS 1:00 am to 5:30 pm SATURDAY A SUNDAY I am to 5 pm 2034 SAN Santa Baiimra Ave LUIS OBISPO 543-2191 HdMEMI USE YOUR.

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The Tribune from San Luis Obispo, California (2025)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

Last Updated:

Views: 6249

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.